Can Medical Debt Tarnish Your Credit Report? | McCarthy Law PLC
June 27, 2014

Can Medical Debt Tarnish Your Credit Report?

Sadly, the answer is yes. Medical debt can send your credit score into a tailspin if it isn’t dealt with. A recent article explores the effect medical debt had on one consumers’ credit report. In this instance, the consumer believed the bill would be taken care of by his health insurance and it was not.

Medical debt can be a huge problem for consumers when insurance fails to cover expensive medical procedures. In addition, the consumer often has no way to know what the bill will be. Many times, consumers are unable to pay these medical bills and fall deeper into a financial hole. Thankfully, medical debt can often be settled by a qualified debt settlement attorney. A qualified debt settlement attorney can take on the hospital, collection agencies, or collection attorneys and likely settle medical debt for less than the entire balance. The inflated cost of medical procedures coupled with consumers being unsure about what their insurance covers has created a large amount of medical debt. Contact a qualified debt settlement attorney to tackle medical debt.

Author: Kevin Fallon McCarthy

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