March 23, 2012

The Best Part of My Job

I had the opportunity to enjoy the best part of my job yesterday.  It wasn’t the first time, but I would be lying if I didn’t enjoy it tremendously every time.  By now, those who read my blog know that we negotiate for large reductions in our clients debts outside of bankruptcy.  The process can be completed in as little as three months or as long as three years depending on the facts and circumstances that a client is facing.

About eighteen months ago, Mr. and Mrs. D asked us to help them work out more than $100,000 in credit card and second mortgage debt.  We made a plan for debt settlement over a three year period.  Through our efforts and with the D’s help, we were able to settle all of the debt for just over 20 cents on the dollar.  Even better, we were able to complete the plan in just 18 months instead of the planned three years, a circumstance that I am happy to say is not unique to the D’s.

Here’s the best part:  Mrs. D came in yesterday to drop off the final settlement money.  I hadn’t seen her in some time (we do most of our communication by phone or email), but I remembered how defeated, anxious, and broken she had seemed when she and Mr. D engaged us to represent them.  I barely recognized her yesterday!  The defeat, the anxiety, the brokenness were completely gone.  Mrs. D was bright, hopeful, happy.

As soon as she saw me, she raced across the room and I found myself enveloped in a tremendous bear hug.  “Thank you so much, Kevin!”  she whispered.  “We are so happy.”  I muttered something in reply, I can’t remember what, then found myself enough to say:  “So this is what being debt free looks like.”  She just smiled the biggest smile, a smile I had never seen before.

I love my job.




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