Stop Creditor Harassment

Stop Creditor Harassment

Constant calls, yelling on the other end of the line, threats of lawsuits—dealing with debt collectors can be a total nightmare. It can feel relentless like there’s no way out.

But you’re not alone. Many people face harassment from debt collectors. Here at McCarthy Law, we can help. We have a team of experienced attorneys who can stand up for you and stop creditor harassment.

One of the worst daily frustrations new clients tell us about is the constant calls from creditors. No matter how often you tell creditors, “I don’t have the money,” or “I will pay you as soon as I can,” the calls keep coming.

So, how do you stop creditor harassment?

  • When you engage an attorney to handle your debt negotiations, the banks and credit card companies will deal directly with the law firm.
  • When we start the debt negotiation and settlement process, there is no reason to ever talk to your creditors again. We will handle all communications.
  • Your lawyer can explain your rights under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA).

Contact us for a FREE consultation at one of our over 80 nationwide offices.

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What Is Credit Harassment? What Are Some Examples of It?

Credit harassment is when debt collectors use aggressive, unfair, or deceptive practices to pressure someone into paying a debt. This could include making threats, calling at unreasonable hours, using abusive language, or even contacting friends and family about your debt. These tactics cause stress and can also impact your quality of life, making it hard to focus on anything else. Other examples include:

  • Constant and repeated phone calls. Debt collectors can call you, but there are limits.
  • Threats of violence or arrest. Debt collectors cannot threaten you with jail time or physical harm.
  • Using obscene or profane language. You deserve to be treated with respect, even if you have a debt.
  • Contacting your friends, family, or neighbors about your debt. Debt collectors can only contact other people to get location information from them, not to discuss your debt. They can’t try to shame you into paying.
  • False statements about the debt. This could include lying about the amount you owe or claiming you’ll be arrested if you don’t pay.
  • Trying to collect a debt you don’t owe. Mistakes happen, and sometimes debt collectors come after the wrong person.

Why Do Debt Collectors Harass People?

The primary reason debt collectors resort to harassment is to intimidate individuals into settling their personal or business debts as quickly as possible. In their pursuit of repayment, some collectors step over the line, employing tactics that can leave you feeling vulnerable and harassed. This approach often backfires, leaving individuals scared, confused, and unsure where to turn for help.

Is it Legal for Debt Collection Companies to Harass People?

In short, no. There are laws in place within your state or federal law designed to protect consumers from such practices. However, not all debt collection companies follow these regulations, stepping beyond legal boundaries to pressure individuals into making payments. Recognizing these unlawful actions is key to defending yourself against them with a creditor harassment attorney like McCarthy Law.

Understanding the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that sets limits on the behaviors of debt collectors and collection agencies. It prohibits practices such as calling outside approved hours (before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.), making threats of violence or legal action that aren’t planned, and publicizing your debts to others without your permission. Knowing your rights under the FDCPA is the first step in fighting back against creditor harassment.

Why You Need Legal Representation to Get Over the Hump and Avoid Abusive Debt Collectors

Legal representation becomes indispensable when dealing with abusive debt collectors. A knowledgeable creditor harassment lawyer can provide guidance, advocate on your behalf, and ensure that your rights under the FDCPA are upheld. With professional assistance, you can challenge unfair practices, correct inaccuracies on your credit report resulting from collector misconduct, and potentially stop harassment for good.

Creditor harassment lawyers can help you:

  • Communicate with the debt collector on your behalf. This can take the pressure off you and ensure your rights are protected.
  • Review the debt and make sure it’s accurate. Mistakes happen, and you don’t want to pay for a debt you don’t owe.
  • Negotiate a repayment plan with the creditor. If you can afford to make payments, an attorney can help you work out a plan that’s fair to both you and the creditor.
  • Take legal action against the debt collector if necessary. If the collector continues to harass you after you’ve asked them to stop, our attorneys can sue debt collectors and take other legal action to support you.

Stop Creditor Harassment. Look to Creditor Harassment Attorneys

It can be empowering to know your rights. At McCarthy Law PLC, we explain and protect your rights while we work with the bank and credit card companies to negotiate a debt settlement that fits your ability to pay. Most of our clients pay back 60-75 cents per dollar of debt to fully satisfy their creditors – and that amount includes attorney fees and costs.

If someone’s harassing you to collect debts, don’t just give in. Know your rights. Contact us today to learn more. Or learn about what our credit harassment lawyers can help you with, which includes:

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