So today I was browsing Twitter to check up on trends in Debt Negotiation. I ran across the following Tweet and thought I should check it out: hirosit2 #DebtNegotiationLawyer Debt Negotiation Lawyer. The following is the link I was directed to:
It’s a Payday Loan! Yet this particular website mentions “Debt Negotiation Lawyer” 15 times on the website. The only problem is that not once do they mention what a debt negotiation lawyer does or how to actually contact one. Rather, the site is full of grammatical and spelling errors with random mentions of “Debt Negotiation Lawyer” thrown in here and there. Your are asked to fill in information so that this site can help find you a local payday lender. This is really bothersome, but not terribly surprising. There are plenty of outfits out there preying on unsuspecting consumers that are looking for legitimate help with their credit card debts. Unfortunately, these websites sucker people in by promising an easy application process and instant approval process.
We have written about payday loans previously and the outrageous interest rates charged. Don’t fall for this scam! If you are truly in need of a debt negotiation lawyer, do your homework. There is plenty of information available to check out reputable lawyers that handle debt negotiation, debt settlement and/or debt workouts. Check out popular sites such as or even that provide reviews of attorneys in any given field. You might also take the time to visit the state bar website in your particular state to determine whether the state bar has taken any disciplinary action against an attorney.
Bottom line? Don’t fall for this classic bait and switch technique being used by payday lenders. If you are looking for a Debt Negotiation Lawyer and find yourself on a page similar to the above-referenced site, do yourself a favor. Move your mouse to that little ‘X’ in the upper right hand corner and click it! Then go to one of the websites we have suggested and find an experienced attorney that can truly assist you with your debts.