What to do if sued by a credit card?
May 24, 2012

What Do I Do If I Get Sued on a Credit Card?

What should you do if you get sued by a credit card company?  According to this article, you should contest the suit.


While I am in agreement with that basic concept, the other concepts discussed by this author are incredibly misleading.  For example, the author states that if you just show up to court, then the lawsuit may just “disappear.”  That is incredibly false information!  The author of this article, who does not appear to be a licensed attorney, should not be giving legal advice.Your appearance in court will not make the lawsuit go away.  Also, do not expect the court to help you just because you show up in the judge’s courtroom to plead your case.  A judge is not in a position to give you any legal advice and is prohibited from doing so, even if you do something that is not in your best interests.

You can always represent yourself in court.  But, you should know that by doing so, you could make an admission in court that could be used against you later.  Do you know what your legal defenses are to a credit card lawsuit?  Probably not.  But, an experienced debt settlement attorney does know what your legal defenses are to a credit card lawsuit and how to best settle that lawsuit on your behalf.  So, yes, you should contest a credit card lawsuit but under the guidance and advice of an experienced debt settlement attorney that can guide you through the process.

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