October 8, 2012

Clearly We Haven’t Learned From Our Past

If we had, I don’t think we’d be seeing the statistics in the following article.


So we are now looking at the highest amount of open credit card accounts in nearly 3 years. In fact, we’re up 10% for new credit cards issued over the same period last year. Further, balances on these cards jumped by $2.6 billion. As this author points out, we are headed right back into the bad trap of unmanageable credit card debt by desperate consumers. If you find yourself in this position, seek out your options. It may be that you could get out from under the thumb of your creditor for a lesser amount than you currently owe. We suggest that similarly situated people seek out there options. It may be that you can pay less than owed through a debt settlement. A good attorney will explore this option and give you an honest opinion as to your options.


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