November 29, 2012

Parting Ways with Debt Settlement Companies

In our law practice, we often get clients that come to us after they have been with debt settlement companies, but aren’t happy. The following article explains a situation we see all too often. Individuals are ready to bail on their debt settlement company due to poor or no results. As the article points out, the best thing you can do is look at your contract.

And what if you don’t understand the contract? Do what the article says. Seek the assistance of an attorney to guide you through the process. Not only can they help you get out of your contract, a debt settlement law firm will likely be able to assist you in settling the debts the debt settlement company could not. Moreover, if a creditor does decide to sue you, there is nothing the debt settlement company can do for you since they are not attorneys. We always recommend seeking the assistance of a qualified attorney. Even if they cannot assist you, they will likely be able to refer you to another professional that can.


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