Are You Ready for a Debt Diet? | McCarthy Law PLC
January 14, 2013

Are You Ready for a Debt Diet?

The first of the year always come with our good intentions to follow through with our New Year’s Resolutions.   A very popular resolution often involves paying down our debt.  As this article states, it takes 30 days to break a habit, so the idea of going on a debt diet for one month may be just what the doctor ordered.

There are several key factors to sticking with a debt diet.  One of the most important is committing to keeping your card in your wallet.  This includes not spending money on coffee, movies and the like.  Often times not spending money on just these types of items has a huge effect on your bank account.  The other important key to saving is identifying your necessary spending.  These items include rent, utilities and car payments.  If you have committed to a debt diet but are still having trouble paying down your debt, you may want to contact a debt settlement attorney.  An experienced debt settlement attorney can reduce your debt without the need for bankruptcy.

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