Why Student Loan Misconceptions Are Dangerous to Your Finances
Many students are unaware of the ways student loans can affect their finances and credit history in the long term. Misconceptions...
4 Warning Signs That You May Have a Debt Issue
The average American is $90,460 in debt, including credit cards, car loans, student debt, and mortgages. What’s troubling is that...
4 Possible Reasons Why Your Student Loan Payment Increased
There’s nothing that can ruin your day more than noticing your monthly payment on your student loans increased. If you’re at a...
How Have Student Loans Increased in the Last 10 Years?
The average amount of debt students accumulate to get a degree has steadily risen. Over the past decade, the increase in college...
Can You Get Stuck with a Family Member’s Debt After They Die?
Experiencing the loss of a loved one is difficult enough without the added stress of dealing with their debt. Often, when a loved...
Garnished Bank Account? Here’s What You Can Do
Wage garnishment occurs when a court orders your employer to withhold a portion of your paycheck and send it to a specific person...
Can a Roth IRA Be Useful in Saving for College in Arizona?
Roth IRAs are a popular investment vehicle—for good reason. These accounts offer key advantages over other investment options such...
What to Do If You Have Been the Victim of ID Theft
Imagine you’re at a retail store and decide to open a credit card with them to save some money. You’re denied, but you can’t...
What Are My Options to Repay Student Loans as a Nurse in Arizona?
Many nurses use loan forgiveness as their primary strategy for paying off their loans. A 2017 survey from the American Association...
Are There Benefits to Using a Personal Loan to Pay Off Student Debt?
If you are struggling to make regular and on-time student loan payments, you are not alone. Graduates in the U.S. collectively...
How to Decide When You Need a Student Debt Lawyer
Today, 44 million graduates are burdened with student loan debt. Student loan debt is one of the most common sources of stress and...
How to Pay Off Student Loans When You’re Self-Employed in Arizona
Being self-employed indeed comes with pros and cons. On one end, you’re able to be your own boss, design an ideal work environment...