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Credit Report Lawyer

Let’s face it: credit reports can be confusing. They hold a lot of weight when it comes to your financial well-being, so it’s important to make sure the information on them is accurate. But what happens when you find mistakes? Errors on your credit report can be more than just frustrating – they can seriously impact your ability to secure loans, rent an apartment, or even get a job. It’s an area you don’t want to take lightly or tackle alone.

Mistakes On Credit Reports Affect Millions

Inaccuracies in credit reporting affect millions of Americans each year. In 2013, the Federal Trade Commission released a study that found that 20% of consumers have errors in their credit reports. The impact of these errors on consumers caused many to pay higher interest rates for things like car loans or insurance.

So, how many people could this be impacting? There are three large credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Between the big three, it is said they have files on more than 200 million people in the US. Based on the FTC report, as many as 40 million people could be impacted by credit report errors, causing citizens to pay higher interest than they should.

credit agencies 3

The Credit Bureau Reporting Process

The credit bureaus collect financial information about you from lenders, businesses which have extended you credit, such as banks, credit card companies or mortgage providers. In many cases, these inaccuracies are reported by debt collection firms. In fact a recent CFPB findings show that nearly 40 percent of disputes filed against the major credit reporting agencies have to do with debt collectors. All of this information is regularly updated to the credit reporting agencies on the status of your accounts, and whether the debts are kept current and in good standing.

Our lawyers defend your rights against the bureaus

You see it everywhere today. An aggressive industry of fee-based companies stating they can help you straighten out issues with your credit report. At McCarthy Law, we won’t charge you anything to help dispute errors on your credit reports and can help you handle any credit error lawsuits with no out-of-pocket costs to our clients. We allow consumers nationwide to take control of their credit by correcting credit report mistakes and errors and then aggressively enforcing their rights when errors have been found. Learn more by contacting us to see how we can help you resolve your credit report errors.


How can I get my Credit corrected for FREE?

& perhaps get $1,000, too…

If they fail to correct your report, we get paid from the settlements with the credit bureaus, and we pay you a portion of the settlement. If you are one of the more than 40 million consumers with an error in one of your credit reports, you already know how difficult it is to correct these errors because credit reporting agencies devote limited resources to addressing errors, and the investigations they conduct are often inadequate. Worse yet, these uncorrected errors often cause you to pay a higher interest rate on loans, pay higher insurance costs, and encounter difficulty securing employment.

As of today, no one needs to suffer the dreadful consequences of a credit reporting error ever again. The process is simple: all the firm needs to get started is your credit report and an understanding of the error. If you aren’t sure if your credit report is error-free, the firm can help you obtain a free copy and then take it from there.

How we help youfix credit errors

The process is simple: all we need is your credit report. Once we review your report and see what needs to be fixed, we will send you a dispute letter that you can mail to the Credit Reporting Agency reporting the error. If they fix the problem, your credit report will reflect that in 45 days. If they don’t fix the error, we will file a lawsuit and pay you a portion of the settlement. Either way, you pay nothing out of pocket.

Step 1

Fill out our form. That tells us you’re interested in discussing a credit report error.

Step 2

We’ll give you a call and help you pull your credit report to send to us.

Step 3

We’ll review your report in order to understand the error.

Step 4

We’ll send you a dispute letter that you can send to the Credit Reporting Agency that reported the error.

Step 5

If the agency doesn’t fix the error, we’ll file a lawsuit and give you a portion of the settlement!

Fair Credit Reporting Act: What You Need to Know

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law designed to promote the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of consumer reporting agencies. It gives you the right to know what’s in your credit report, dispute errors, and seek damages from violators.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points of the FCRA:

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  • You can get a free copy of your credit report every year. There are three major credit reporting bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. You can request your report from each bureau annually at Annual Credit Report.
  • You have the right to dispute any errors. If you find something wrong with your report, you can file a dispute with the CRA that reported the error. The CRA is then obligated to investigate your claim and respond within a specific timeframe.
  • You can sue for damages. If the CRA fails to fix an error after a proper investigation, the FCRA allows you to take legal action to seek compensation for any damages you’ve suffered.

Having a basic knowledge of your rights under the FCRA is the first step in correcting credit report errors. When inaccuracies appear on your report, it can feel overwhelming. But remember, the law is on your side.

What Types of Matters Can Our Credit Lawyers Handle?

Our team deals with a broad spectrum of issues related to credit reports, including but not limited to:

  • Incorrect Personal Information: Simple errors in your personal information can be a sign of mixed files or identity theft.
  • Outdated Information: Negative information that should have aged off your report can unjustly affect your score.
  • Fraudulent Accounts: If someone has opened accounts in your name, it’s crucial to address these immediately.
  • Inaccurate Account Statuses: This includes closed accounts reported as open or being wrongly reported as late on payments.

Understanding the 609 Loophole 

The term “609 Loophole” refers to a section of the FCRA that allows consumers to request documentation of the debts listed on their credit report. While not exactly a loophole, it provides a strategy for disputing errors.

This section emphasizes the importance of documentation and verification of debt. If a credit bureau cannot provide detailed information proving a debt is yours, the item must be removed from your credit report. It’s a powerful tool for disputing inaccuracies, but its application can be complex.

You can work with a credit lawyer from our team. We’re familiar with these and other strategies for addressing credit report errors. They can help you leverage your rights for a fair and accurate credit report.

Nationwide Credit Report Attorney Supporting Your Cause

No matter where you are in the United States, our network of credit report attorneys can assist you. We have offices nationwide and amazing lawyers who can help you with your credit dispute, provide strategies for improving credit scores, and educate you on best practices and things to look for.

Credit report errors can be daunting, but you don’t have to face them alone. With a focus on integrity and excellence, McCarthy Law strives to provide a path forward for those struggling with inaccuracies in their credit reports. We also provide legal aid for debt settlements, and we’re creditor harassment attorneys who help you fight unlawful advances by debt collectors. Learn more about what we do and protect your future.

Did you know McCarthy Law’s program is free?

Call us for a FREE consultation today and find out how we can make a difference for you! We’ll review your situation and discuss your options for getting your credit report back on track. Contact us today to learn more!

As low as
Set Up
Starting at
Free Credit
time needed
3-6 months
Varies by
45 day cycles
Varies by
cost over
6 months:
$554.69 to 2
years: $2,173.79
6 months:
$673.99 to 2
years: $2,479.75
6 months:
$558.69 to 2
years: $1,975.00


As low as

Set Up

at $79.99


FREE Consultation
Free Credit
Report Evaluation

Expected time needed

3-6 months
Varies by
45 day
Varies by

Total cost over enrollment

6 months:
$554.69 to 2
years: $2,173.79
6 months:
$673.99 to 2
years: $2,479.75
6 months:
$558.69 to 2
years: $1,975.00