Andrew Hecht

Student Loan Debt Attorney In New York

Student Loan Debt Attorney In New York

Andrew Hecht Attorney at McCarthy Law PLC in New York City

Andrew Hecht Attorney at McCarthy Law PLC in New YorkAndrew Hecht is a New York State licensed attorney residing and practicing in New York City.
Andrew runs a solo civil litigation general practice where he represents businesses in transactional matters; works as a per diem personal injury attorney; represents musicians and writers for contractual needs; and is of counsel to McCarthy Law PLC where he assists clients in obtaining relief from private student loan debt. Andrew worked for the personal injury firm of Ross & Hill in Brooklyn, New York before starting his own practice.

Prior to moving to New York and being admitted to the New York State Bar, Andrew began his legal career in Phoenix, Arizona working as a paralegal at Gurstel Law Firm representing creditors in debtor/creditor litigation. Andrew then attended Arizona Summit Law School where he studied abroad in Florence Italy, professional and amateur sports law; clerked for the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit Staff Attorney’s Office in New Orleans, Louisiana; and externed for the City of Phoenix Attorney’s Office Civil Division. Upon graduation, Andrew was hired to assist McCarthy Law PLC in ensuring their of counsel’s are state compliant as McCarthy Law expanded nationally.

As an undergraduate, Andrew attended the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee where he was a two member of the university’s mock trial debate team. Andrew was awarded the most outstanding witness at the Hamline University Invitational and the Most outstanding witness at the Marquette University sectional qualifier.

Having worked in all aspects of creditor/debtor litigation, Andrew is thrilled and excited to be an of counsel to McCarthy Law’s private student financial aid relief program. Andrew finds great satisfaction in working with clients and assisting them lower their debt, shorten the term of their payments, and saving them money.

Contact us

McCarthy Law PLC New York
16 Court St. 35th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11241