Rudy Reveles
Pueblo Debt Attorney
Pueblo Debt Attorney | Rudy Reveles
Rudy Reveles at McCarthy Law in Pueblo | CO
Rudy Reveles is of counsel in the McCarthy Law PLC Pueblo, CO office. He has been representing clients in Southern Colorado, including Pueblo, Trinidad, Walsenburg, Huerfano, Otero, and Las Animas since 1991, when he started working with the Colorado State Public Defender.
He left as Office Head of the Trinidad Regional Office to work in private practice, where he continues representing clients and providing the highest quality legal services.
Rudy Reveles was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas, where he graduated from high school. He attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he received his degree in Electrical Engineering in 1987. He attended law school at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he graduated in May of 1991. He was admitted to the Colorado Bar in October of 1991.