Experienced Credit Card Debt Attorneys

Unsecured Credit Debt Services

Know your options, then take action to free yourself of credit card debt.

The lawyers at McCarthy Law PLC talk every day with people who have, for one reason or many reasons, found themselves with enormous credit card debt. The burden becomes overwhelming, often dominating an individual’s or family’s life.

How can you end the cycle? An experienced credit card debt attorney can help you explore your options and figure out what to do with no pressure and no blame.

  • One way to get rid of credit card debt is to pay it off, but when you can only afford monthly minimum payments, it can take decades to pay off the debt.
  • Many people choose to file for bankruptcy in order to erase credit card debt. For those who qualify for Chapter 7 and who do not have concerns about the public nature of bankruptcy, it can be the right choice. Chapter 13 bankruptcy can take up to five years before being debt-free.
  • Many people opt to consolidate their debts – putting them all into one package with one monthly payment. That will not lower the amount owed.
  • At McCarthy Law PLC, our credit card debt settlement lawyers negotiate with creditors to lower the amount of your debt and then pay it off with a monthly payment that fits your ability to pay. By significantly reducing the amount owed through the debt settlement process, it is easier to pay the total – usually in 6 months to 3 years.

Credit Card Lawsuits Can Be Fought & Won!

Credit card debt can spiral out of control before you know it. A few missed payments turn into mounting interest, and suddenly, the debt feels insurmountable. It happens to many people, and it’s more common than you might think. Credit card lawsuits are one way creditors try to collect unpaid debt, but they’re not unbeatable. You have more options than you might realize.

Credit card debt lawsuits can be challenged successfully. Many credit card companies and debt collection agencies rely on the assumption that credit card holders won’t fight back. But with the right legal representation, you can stand up to these debt collectors and assert your rights under consumer law. From disputing inaccurate charges to negotiating settlements, a credit card attorney from McCarthy Law can help you deal with the complexities of your case.

You’re not powerless. There are strategies and defenses that can put you in a better position. Whether it’s questioning the validity of the debt, challenging improper debt collection practices, or leveraging statutes of limitations, you have choices. Don’t let the fear of a lawsuit leave you feeling trapped. With an experienced debt collection attorney at your side, you can fight and win.

What Can a Debt Lawyer Do for Me if I File for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is a big decision, but sometimes, it’s the best option for regaining control of your finances. When facing overwhelming credit card debt, a debt lawyer will first evaluate your financial situation. If bankruptcy is the right path, we can help you understand whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 suits your circumstances. We will handle all the paperwork, communicate with creditors, and represent you in court to make sure your rights are protected.

Bankruptcy can stop debt collectors from harassing you. It puts a hold on wage garnishments and freezes any lawsuits against you related to unpaid debt. This gives you breathing room to reorganize your finances without constant pressure from debt collection agencies. Your credit card debts may be discharged under Chapter 7, providing a fresh start by eliminating unsecured debts. Under Chapter 13, your lawyer will work to create a repayment plan that may or may not be reasonable for you.

Legal services from a debt defense attorney provide peace of mind, knowing your rights under fair debt collection practices laws, and taking the right steps toward financial recovery. Bankruptcy can be a new beginning, and with the right legal help, you can make the most of it.

When to Consider Hiring a Credit Card Lawyer

Dealing with credit card debt can feel overwhelming, but acting quickly can make all the difference. The sooner you address the issue, the more options you’ll have to mitigate its impact.

Consider hiring a credit card lawyer if:

  • You’re being sued by a credit card company or debt collector.
  • You’ve received threatening letters or calls from debt collection agencies.
  • Your wages are being garnished due to unpaid debt.
  • You suspect errors in your credit card statements or debt amounts.
  • You’ve tried to negotiate settlements on your own without success.
  • You’re struggling to keep up with credit card payments and need a clear strategy.
  • You’re considering filing for bankruptcy due to overwhelming debt.

Learn about your choices in a FREE consultation with one of our credit card debt paralegals.

When you are overwhelmed by credit card debt, it is difficult to understand the various options available. That is why we offer a FREE consultation in a calm, thoughtful environment.

Answering Your Biggest Credit Card Debt Questions

Should I ignore a lawsuit letter?

No, ignoring a lawsuit letter can lead to a default judgment against you, making your situation worse. Engaging a debt collection attorney early can help you mount a defense and protect your interests.

Should I speak directly with the party that’s suing me?

It’s generally best to communicate through our credit card attorneys. We can manage negotiations and make sure you don’t inadvertently say something that could harm your case.

Should I just pay off the debt I owe?

Paying off debt might seem like the easiest solution, but it’s important to verify the debt’s accuracy first. Our debt lawyers can help assess whether paying off the debt is your best option or if you have other viable defenses.

What do I do if I suspect the wrong person has been sued?

If you believe there’s been a mistake and you’re not the right person being sued, contact our credit card attorneys immediately. We can investigate and contest the lawsuit on your behalf.

Is there a statute of limitations for credit card debt?

Yes, there is a statute of limitations for credit card debt, which varies by state. A knowledgeable debt lawyer can determine if the statute of limitations has expired on your debt and use it as a defense in your case.

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