Make Your Credit Cards Work for You
There is a belief out there that credit cards are bad. While it is true that having outstanding credit card debt is not a good...
Private Student Loan Debt Affect Holiday Shopping
If you have private student loan debt, chances are that you are normally strapped for cash. Throughout the year, this can lead to...
Sticking to a Budget Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Remember making a budget when you were just getting started in life as an adult? Thinking back, you realize you had no budget and...
How to Pay Off Debts Quicker
Creative Debt Solutions First and foremost, there is no one perfect way to get out of debt. Every person’s situation is different...
Spend Less Money on Food
Food Is One of the Biggest Household Expenses If you have a family of four you can easily spend $1000/month on groceries every...
Student Loan Debt Consolidation
If you are among the 3.3 million Americans with defaulted student loans, do not lose hope. Certainly, the frequent phone calls by...
Debt Consolidation Loans and Debt Lawyer
When handled properly, debt consolidation can simplify your life and can eventually improve your financial standing. Debt...
Debt Settlement Negotiations: A Primer
Debt Settlement Agreement Debt settlement is the process of settling or paying debt for a certain sum of money. It is also known...
Settling Medical Debt Relief
In this day and age, a lot of Americans are struggling with medical debt. A study by Nerdwallet, a price-comparison website,...
What If I Can’t Pay My Payday Loan?
According to Pew Charitable Trusts, twelve million Americans use payday loans every year. A payday loan is a short term, high...
Finding the Best Debt Collections Attorney
A collection account is one that has been sent out by your original creditor to the collection agency after you have missed...
Student Loan and the American Dream
Student loan debt in the United States has topped $1.41 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve. That boils down to around...