What You Need to Know About Student Loan Repayment
College feels like a whirlwind while you’re in it. All the classes, the new friends, and the occasional all-nighters. But as those...
How Does Student Loan Negotiation Work?
Coming out of college with a mountain of student loan debt is tough. With the average borrower carrying tens of thousands of...
Key Differences Between Federal and Private Student Loans
When it comes to financing higher education, student loans are often a necessary part of the equation. However, not all student...
Settle the Score: How to Find A Resolution in An AMEX Lawsuit
When you're dealing with an AMEX lawsuit, you need to know your rights and responsibilities. If you have been sued by American...
Being Sued For Debt? The Benefits of Working with a Credit Lawyer
Are you facing the uphill battle of debt lawsuits? As prices rise and consumers struggle to make ends meet, personal debt weighs...
Fight Back! Your Guide to Defending Against an American Express Lawsuit
Fight Back! Your Guide to Defending Against an American Express Lawsuit If you've received a lawsuit from American Express, you...
Can You Negotiate with a Collection Company
Have you received a letter from a collection company? Debt collectors are very persistent and quick to sue when it comes to late...
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Rules and Purposes
Debt collectors have to follow specific rules when they collect debts. These rules are set by the Fair Debt Collection Practices...
Debt Management Plan vs Debt Settlement
If you are filing for bankruptcy or cannot keep up with the repayments on a loan, you might be looking into setting up a debt...
What Do I Do When My Boat or RV Gets Repossessed?
If you can no longer keep up with repayments for your boat or RV, the lender is likely to take control of your asset. Repossession...
Co-Signing on a Child or Loved One’s Private Student Loans
Co-signing on a child or loved one’s private student loan is a big decision. It’s a common occurrence because young people in...
How Common are Credit Report Errors?
Credit reports can affect many aspects of our lives, such as buying a car or applying for a mortgage. Lenders use credit reports...