Credit Report Errors | FCRA Attorney Removes Inaccuracies
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Report Errors

McCarthy Law has a free Credit Error program!

Call us for a FREE consultation today and find out how we can make a difference for you!

How Can I Get My Credit Report Errors Corrected FREE (& Perhaps Get $1,000, Too)?

credit report errorsWe get paid by the credit bureaus if they fail to correct your report, and we pay you a portion of the settlement. If you are more than one of the 40 million consumers with an error in one of your credit reports, you already know how difficult it is to get these errors corrected because the credit reporting agencies devote limited resources to addressing errors and the investigations they conduct are often inadequate.  Worse yet, these uncorrected errors often cause you to pay a higher interest rate on loans, pay higher insurance costs, and encounter difficulty in securing employment.

As of today, no one need suffer the dreadful consequences of a credit reporting error ever again.  Beginning today, McCarthy Law will fix credit reporting errors essentially for free with a No Fee Guarantee.  The process is simple: all the firm needs to get started is your credit report and an understanding of the error.  If you aren’t sure if your credit report is error-free, the firm can help you obtain a free copy and then take it from there.

McCarthy Law PLC is a national law firm with its main offices in Scottsdale, Arizona.  More than 130 attorneys nationwide serve its consumer clients in a variety of different practice areas, including credit report error correction, debt negotiation, mortgage mediation, personal injury and general litigation matters.” In fact, we support many outstanding credit repair companies who offer full-service credit repair services. The “No Fee Guarantee” assures you that the firm does not collect attorneys’ fees unless it obtains more than $1000 on your behalf.  The firm gets its fee from the money the firm collects from the bad guys for screwing up your credit and you ALWAYS get at least the first $1000 the firm collects.  No upfront fees or costs. You come out-of-pocket for nothing.  You never pay the firm a dime out of your own pocket.

Mistakes on Credit Reports Affect Millions

Inaccuracies in credit reporting affect millions of Americans each year. In 2013, the Federal Trade Commission released a study finding that 20% of consumers have errors on their credit reports. The impact from these errors to consumers caused many to pay higher interest rates for things like car loans or insurance.  So how many people could this be impacting? There are three large credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. Between the big three, it is said they have files on more than 200 million people in the US. Based on the FTC report,  there could be as many as 10 million people impacted by credit report errors causing citizens to pay higher interest than they should.

The Credit Bureau Reporting Process

The credit bureaus collect financial information about you from lenders, businesses which have extended you credit, such as banks, credit card companies or mortgage providers. In many cases, these inaccuracies are reported by debt collection firms. In fact a recent CFPB findings show that nearly 40 percent of disputes filed against the major credit reporting agencies have to do with debt collectors. All of this information is regularly updated to the credit reporting agencies on the status of your accounts, and whether the debts are kept current and in good standing.

Our Lawyers Defend Your Rights Against the Credit Reporting Bureaus

You see it everywhere today. An aggresive industry of fee based companies stating they can help you straighten out issues with your credit report. At McCarthy Law, we do not provide credit repair services nor do we charge you fees to fight FCRA or Fair Credit Reporting Act errors. As one of the debt services we offer nationwide to consumers, is to be able to take control of their credit by correcting credit report mistakes and errors and then to aggresively enforce their rights when errors have been found to have been made. Learn more by contacting us, to see how we can help you resolve your credit report errors quickly with a no-fee consultation.

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* This is a general contact form. If you have a credit error or need help with debt settlement please visit each of those specific pages and fill out form there.

Are You Ready to Clean Your Credit Report?

Mistakes on Credit Reports

Inaccuracies in credit reporting affect millions of Americans each year. In 2013, the Federal Trade Commission released a study finding that 20% of consumers have errors on their credit reports. The impact from these errors to consumers caused many to pay higher interest rates for things like car loans or insurance.  So how many people could this be impacting? There are three large credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. Between the big three, it is said they have files on more than 200 million people in the US. Based on the FTC report,  there could be as many as 10 million people impacted by credit report errors causing citizens to pay higher interest than they should.

The Credit Bureau Reporting Process

The credit bureaus collect financial information about you from lenders, businesses which have extended you credit, such as banks, credit card companies or mortgage providers. In many cases, these inaccuracies are reported by debt collection firms. In fact a recent CFPB findings show that nearly 40 percent of disputes filed against the major credit reporting agencies have to do with debt collectors. All of this information is regularly updated to the credit reporting agencies on the status of your accounts, and whether the debts are kept current and in good standing.

Our Lawyers Defend Your Rights Against the Credit Reporting Bureaus

You see it everywhere today. An aggresive industry of fee based companies stating they can help you straighten out issues with your credit report. At McCarthy Law, we do not provide credit repair services nor do we charge you fees to fight FCRA or Fair Credit Reporting Act errors. As one of the debt services we offer nationwide to consumers, is to be able to take control of their credit by correcting credit report mistakes and errors and then to aggresively enforce their rights when errors have been found to have been made. Learn more by contacting us, to see how we can help you resolve your credit report errors quickly with a no-fee consultation.
Credit Report Errors

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