Auburn Attorney
Loretta Fiori-ThomasAuburn Debt Settlement
It is our mission at McCarthy Law to help good, hard-working families work out their debt problems. Many families have been swamped due to the state of the economy and find themselves with more credit card debt and student loans than they can handle. Banks and credit card companies are quick to send out credit cards and provide high limits but aren’t as helpful when it comes to working with you when things get tough. One missed or late payment can send interest rates skyrocketing despite many years of on-time payments, and creditors are often quick to sue when people get behind. These families need experienced representation by competent legal counsel that understands their hardship and are willing to work with them within their tight financial budget.
While McCarthy Law has a large national footprint, we focus on individual communities like Auburn, Washington, and meet with potential clients in person so we can understand your specific situation and needs. We know these challenges can be overwhelming and our goal is to help you get true debt relief.
Our Auburn debt attorney, Loretta Fiori-Thomas, is caring and brings over twenty years of experience to the table. She is anxious to help you make these challenging decisions in a safe, confidential environment. Ms. Fiori-Thomas is known for her wisdom and doing what will best benefit her clients. Many people have found that they leave the consultation feeling a huge relief by just understanding what their options are and how McCarthy Law can help them find true debt relief. Many companies offer debt settlement but they never provide the legal support that a law firm can. Unfortunately, they are often more expensive as well, and the results aren’t near as good as what a law firm can get.
Starting on the path and looking forward to better days ahead can be very comforting. If you are ready to get started now, simply complete the form above or call our debt helpline and we’ll get you on the road to debt relief. We can answer many of your questions and make an appointment for you to meet with our Auburn debt settlement attorney.
We love helping and working with the good people of Auburn, and would love to help your family as well. During your complimentary consultation, we will examine your specific alternatives and provide you with data so you can make the best decision possible. You will leave the consultation having a much better understanding of what your options are, and how McCarthy Law can help you become debt free.